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The Idea of Revolution

To show all people the unconditional love and grace of Jesus without any reservations because of their lifestyle or religious background, past or future. This love has no agenda behind it (I Cor. 13:5). This grace sets no time-line on personal change or standards for spiritual growth Romans 4:4-5). The idea is to be a part of people’s lives because we truly care for them rather than to fulfill a religious duty; to walk with them through all their struggles as a part of their life, not as a religious outsider.

Often times the focus of an outreach will be on people outside of its own community. At Revolution, we believe strongly in being a part of the community around us. We do this through constantly giving back in various forms including Bible Study, putting on concerts, hosting amovie night and just hanging out with people. Our goal is not to reach into a community from the outside but to reach out among our own community.

The desire at the heart of Revolution is to see this idea spread to other communities and churches. We aspire to see people from other communities and churches taking to heart the true message of the grace and love of Christ, and in turn to see them spread this message to those in their community, building relationships and sharing in the life experiences of those around them (Gal. 6:2-3), and living  but the grace, hope and love that God has blessed them with.

What is a Cross Culture Revolution?

These ideas and vision for The CrossCulture Revolution came from anewly released book I recently read from Ron Luce and Josh McDowell book “The CrossCulture Revolution”. A cultural mindset has infiltrated our homes and churches and is stealing our kids away from us and robbing them of what true Christianity is--a transformed relationship with God through Christ. It is time for a spiritual revolution--"a fundamental change in the way of thinking; a complete turn around from the culture." It is time to create a culture of the cross--a new generation of young people who know what it means to be a Christian and lives accordingly

What is a Cross Culture revolution?

It is a fundamental change in the way young people are presented Christianity. It is a shift from leading our kids to accept certain beliefs about God, to leading them to form an intimate relationship with him and embracing deepened convictions about him. It is an effort to create a culture of the cross--developing a generation of transformed followers of Christ who know why they believe what they believe. This will require that young people and their families understand and experience at least four characteristics about true Christianity.

A Transformed Life

Christ did not come to earth to teach bad people how to be good, as the majority of our kids believe. Christ came to earth to raise dead people to new life in relationship with him. Christ is not simply a good teacher, he is the Son of the one true God who came to nail our sinful record to his cross and transform us from death to new life in him.

..Those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

A Separated Life

Christ makes a difference in a person's life. The Cross-Culture life involves living counter to the culture, not conforming to its practices but being empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a life pleasing to God. "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person..." (Romans 12:2).

A Crucified Life

Christianity is about sacrifice--Christ sacrificed his own life on the cross so that we might live; we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice before God that he might live in and through us. "I have been crucified with Christ. I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:19-20).

A Mission in Life

Christ gives us a new identity in him and a new purpose for living, but he also gives us an exciting mission in life--to share the Gospel message across all cultures. "God has given us the task [the mission] of reconciling people to him... We are Christ's ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to you" (2 Corinthians 5:19-20).

"This all looks good," you may say, "but do you have some program to bring about a spiritual revolution within my churched youth?" Actually we don't. A spiritual revolution requires a miraculous move from God. Instituting a simple program on right beliefs isn't enough. It will take the miraculous intervention of God's Spirit and a long-term  commitment and process on your part to provide consistent teaching, modeling, and mentoring of your young people in a culture of the cross.

If you would like a seminar on this for your Local church or on Addiction and Crisis Counseling please contact us. This seminar will cost you nothing and is a gift to you and your ministry to help facilitate a Cross Culture revolution nationwide alongside our most powerful partners the Local Church.

Research consistently shows that what a person believes translates into behavior. P

Perhaps nowhere has that been more dramatically shown than  in our survey of over 3,700 kids (all of whom were involved in an evangelical church). That study reveals that, compared to kids who possess a solid, biblical belief system, young people who lack such basic biblical beliefs are:

• 200% more likely to steal

• 200% more likely to be disappointed in life

• 200% more likely to physically hurt someone

• 210% more likely to lack purpose in life

• 216% more likely to be resentful

• 225% more likely to be angry with life

• 300% more likely to use illegal drugs

• 600% more likely to attempt suicide


Mission Statement for

Young Adult Crisis Hotline:
“The Mission Statement for Young Adult Crisis Hotline and Biblical Counseling Center” which includes affirming “the unique gifts and talents of young adults”. Providing “opportunities for young adults...to integrate their faith in their lives and through their life transitions,” developing “young adult leadership through resources and training programs that empower young adults and strengthen their commitment to the Christ,” supporting “ministries with young adults in higher education,” supporting “involvement of young adults from all racial/ethnic groups,” working “to ensure fair and adequate representation by young adults throughout the life of the Christ,” nurturing “adult leaders of young adult ministries,” and “fully embracing young adults...addressing their needs and issues through evangelism and a spirit of Christian fellowship, renewing and supporting the growth of the body of Christ.”

  • Historically and currently, young adults have been called to and have provided significant leadership in the growth and shaping of the church, and
  • Many young adults have been nurtured and strengthened through strong youth ministries and are seeking ways to serve the church faithfully, and
  • A large gap exists between youth and young adult ministries in that ministries with youth are stronger, better established, and have better financial support than young adult programs, and many young adults are now expressing a feeling of disconnection from the church, and reasonably a  great need has reaffirms its dedication to the development and support of young adult leadership and opportunities for spiritual growth and understanding of engaging this culture effectively
  • Developing young adults' leadership capabilities and to further promoting the building of today and tomorrow’s leaders;
  • That local churches are encouraged to develop Young Adult Ministry programs including, but not limited to, maintaining contact with young adults who are in college, seminary or serving in the armed forces, and establishing relationships and ministering with young adults in the community, especially if they’re located within or near a college community. Such programs may include providing a young adult with a family in the church who can mentor them and accept them non-judgmentally, providing opportunities for community service, or a place to explore meaningful questions about their faith and life in an encouraging and nurturing environment. Evaluate patterns, provision of resources, and development of models, programs and resources to provide for the strengthening of ministry with young adults is an urgent for this “Invisible Generation to become Visible , by recognizing their distinct and varied place in the Body of Christ universally. Accepting their personal needs, sub-culture and gifts within the church.
  • The national evaluate the staffing patterns, provision of resources, and development of models, programs and resources to provide for the strengthening of ministry with young adults, recognizing their distinct and varied needs and gifts within the church.



"The Young Adult Crisis Hotline offers immediate emotional support by telephone volunteers trained to help young adults who may be having relational problems, addictions, have a eating disorder, are suicidal, in emotional distress, or in need of reassurance. Services are free, confidential, and anonymous."

The Young Adult Crisis Hotline and Biblical Counseling Center is available to offer encouragement to you in the midst of your crisis by Pastor Teddy Awad.

1- 877-702-2GOD

Pastor Teddy Awad, CMHP

Young Adult Crisis Hotline and Biblical Counseling Center









All contact information will be kept confidential and will not be shared for your own privacy.

The Baptist Top 1000

Copyright 2005
The Young Adult Crisis Hotline and Biblical Counseling Center

Required Waiver and Release of Liability must be read and acknowledged at time of initial Crisis Hotline Correspondence(Press Here to read before you call).

The Young Adult Crisis Hotline and Biblical Counseling Center are Affiliate with TOPEC (Total Personal Care Missions International, Inc.) an Internationally recognized nonprofit that is registered in New Jersey as a  (501(c)3)  with the Internal Revenue service with corporation number 0100490873 and can receive donations that are Tax-deductible to the Giver. Please refer to you accountant for further important information regarding your giving.

1 Peter 5:8-9
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. [more] [subscribe via email]

Unless otherwise noted all scriptures are from the New King James Version © 1982 Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Powered by CaRP Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

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Unless otherwise noted all scriptures are from the New King James Version © 1982 Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.